

Comparison numbers: AZ62040;AH117566

OEM Number: AH204612

Weight: 1.23 kg

Availability on request
1720 - Planter
1720 Stack-Fold Planter - PC2538
1725 - Planter
1725 Stack Fold Planter (S.N. 760101- ) - PC12232
7300 - Planter
7300 Stack-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Integral Planter - PC2371
9450 - Combine
9450 Self-Propelled Combine - PC2800
6068HH052 - Combine
9450 Self-Propelled Combine - PC2800
9500 - Combine
9500 Maximizer and 9500 SideHill Combines - PC2179
9500SH - Combine
9500 Maximizer and 9500 SideHill Combines - PC2179
TRACK - Combine
9550 and 9550SH Self-Propelled Combines - PC2801
9550SH - Combine
9550 and 9550SH Self-Propelled Combines - PC2801
9550 - Combine
9550 and 9550SH Self-Propelled Combines - PC2801
6081HH054 - Combine
9550 and 9550SH Self-Propelled Combines - PC2801
6081HH055 - Combine
9550 and 9550SH Self-Propelled Combines - PC2801
6081HH020 - Combine
9550 and 9550SH Self-Propelled Combines - PC2801
6081HH009 - Combine
9550 and 9550SH Self-Propelled Combines - PC2801
6081HH021 - Combine
9550 and 9550SH Self-Propelled Combines - PC2801
6081HH008 - Combine
9550 and 9550SH Self-Propelled Combines - PC2801
9560SH - Combine
9560 and 9560SH Self-Propelled Combines (North American Edition) - PC9205
9560 - Combine
9560 and 9560SH Self-Propelled Combines (North American Edition) - PC9205
6068HH054 - Combine
9560 and 9560SH Self-Propelled Combines (North American Edition) - PC9205
6068HH055 - Combine
9560 and 9560SH Self-Propelled Combines (North American Edition) - PC9205
9610 - Combine
9610 Maximizer Combine - PC2702
6081HH003 - Combine
9610 Maximizer Combine - PC2702
TRACK - Combine
9650 CTS Self-Propelled Combine - PC2803
9650CTS - Combine
9650 CTS Self-Propelled Combine - PC2803
6081HH017 - Combine
9650 CTS Self-Propelled Combine - PC2803
6081HH010 - Combine
9650 CTS Self-Propelled Combine - PC2803
TRACK - Combine
9650 Self-Propelled Combine - PC2802
9650 - Combine
9650 Self-Propelled Combine - PC2802
6081HH017 - Combine
9650 Self-Propelled Combine - PC2802
6081HH010 - Combine
9650 Self-Propelled Combine - PC2802
9660 - Combine
9660 Self-Propelled Combine (North American Edition) - PC9206
6081HH017 - Combine
9660 Self-Propelled Combine (North American Edition) - PC9206
9660CTS - Combine
9660CTS Self-Propelled Combine (North American Edition) - PC9207
6081HH017 - Combine
9660CTS Self-Propelled Combine (North American Edition) - PC9207
CTSII - Combine
CTSII Combine (North American Edition) - PC2752
6081HH003 - Combine
CTSII Combine (North American Edition) - PC2752