

Comparison numbers: AH164070

OEM Number: AH146840

Weight: 23 kg

Availability on request
9470STS - Combine
9470 STS Combine (South American Edition) - PC8626
6068HCQ04 - Combine
9470 STS Combine (South American Edition) - PC8626
9560STS - Combine
9560 STS Self-Propelled Combine (North American Edition) - PC9562
6081HH028 - Combine
9560 STS Self-Propelled Combine (North American Edition) - PC9562
6081HH019 - Combine
9560 STS Self-Propelled Combine (North American Edition) - PC9562
6068HH058 - Combine
9560 STS Self-Propelled Combine (North American Edition) - PC9562
9560 - Combine
9560i STS Self-Propelled Combine (European Edition) - PC9563
9560i - Combine
9560i STS Self-Propelled Combine (European Edition) - PC9563
6090HH005 - Combine
9560i STS Self-Propelled Combine (European Edition) - PC9563
i-Series - Combine
9560i STS Self-Propelled Combine (European Edition) - PC9563
9570STS - Combine
9570 STS Self-Propelled Combine (North American Edition) - PC9659
6068HH059 - Combine
9570 STS Self-Propelled Combine (North American Edition) - PC9659
6068HH062 - Combine
9570 STS Self-Propelled Combine (North American Edition) - PC9659
6068HH061 - Combine
9570 STS Self-Propelled Combine (North American Edition) - PC9659
6068HH060 - Combine
9570 STS Self-Propelled Combine (North American Edition) - PC9659
9650STS - Combine
9650STS and 9750STS Self-Propelled Combines - PC2900
9750STS - Combine
9650STS and 9750STS Self-Propelled Combines - PC2900
TRACK - Combine
9650STS and 9750STS Self-Propelled Combines - PC2900
6081HH005 - Combine
9650STS and 9750STS Self-Propelled Combines - PC2900
6081HH013 - Combine
9650STS and 9750STS Self-Propelled Combines - PC2900
6081HH012 - Combine
9650STS and 9750STS Self-Propelled Combines - PC2900
6081HH006 - Combine
9650STS and 9750STS Self-Propelled Combines - PC2900
9760STS - Combine
9660STS and 9760STS Self-Propelled Combines (North American Edition) - PC9208
9660STS - Combine
9660STS and 9760STS Self-Propelled Combines (North American Edition) - PC9208
6081HH013 - Combine
9660STS and 9760STS Self-Propelled Combines (North American Edition) - PC9208
6081HH012 - Combine
9660STS and 9760STS Self-Propelled Combines (North American Edition) - PC9208
6090HH005 - Combine
9660STS and 9760STS Self-Propelled Combines (North American Edition) - PC9208
9670 STS - Combine
9670 STS Self-Propelled Combine (Worldwide Edition) - PC10554
6090HH006 - Combine
9670 STS Self-Propelled Combine (Worldwide Edition) - PC10554
6090HH008 - Combine
9670 STS Self-Propelled Combine (Worldwide Edition) - PC10554
9750STS - Combine
9750STS Canadian Combine (S.N. 700602 - 700631) - PC9234
6125HH003 - Combine
9750STS Canadian Combine (S.N. 700602 - 700631) - PC9234
9880STS - Combine
9880 STS Combine (S.N. -715700) Europe Edition - PC4378
6125HH006 - Combine
9880 STS Combine (S.N. -715700) Europe Edition - PC4378
6125HZ004 - Combine
9880 STS Combine (S.N. -715700) Europe Edition - PC4378
S560 - Combine
S560 Combine (Europe Edition) - PC9677
6090HH008 - Combine
S560 Combine (Europe Edition) - PC9677